Stuff I'm Doing

Cognitive Strategies for Design Automation

  • How do design automation experts decide how to integrate computers in their design process?
  • What are the challenges and observations that motivate their decision process?
  • Where can we share ideas, approaches and solutions between architecture and engineering?
  • Limitations: What are the implicit limitations a particular design tool places on the design space?
    • Use upper and lower bounds extensively, to operate at a higher level of abstraction
    • Work up from component libraries, so limitations are explicit and motivated by reality
    • Have the designers manually find bounds on the spaces
  • Discovery: finding the right software, discovering how to use it, locating input data and models, etc.
    • Crowdsourcing
    • Hiring experts
    • Use crowdsourcing to train computer models
    • Build your own software

Just enough AI Machine Learning to be dangerous

Probabilistic Programming

We have a bunch of observations, $\theta_n$

Is it raining at Tanah Merah?

Is it raining at Pasir Ris?

Is it raining at Changi Airport?

These observations are incomplete

We don't directly measure wind patterns, humidity, etc.

All of machine learning is estimating $P(X|\theta_{0..n})$

If we know it's raining in Pasir Ris and Changi, how likely is it to rain on campus in the next 5 minutes?

Tables vs. Graphs

Is it raining in Changi?Is it raining in Tanah Merah?Is it raining in Pasir Ris?How often did it rain on campus 5 minutes later?

Bayes' Theorem

$$P(X|\theta) = \frac{P(\theta|X)P(X)}{P(\theta)}$$

As we collect data, our guess for $P(X|\theta)$ gets more accurate

This is a hierarchical Bayesian model

You collect observations to "fit" the probability distribution of each node

The less flexibility in your model, the less data you need

Probabilistic Programming

  • Our model is probability distribution, from which we can draw samples
  • We can generalize beyond a DAG
  • You've probably done this before...

Probabilistic Programming

  • Generally, we make a probabilistic program with some free parameters
  • We estimate the output distribution of the program
  • Then we use an optimizer to tweak the free parameters so the distribution is likely to produce our data!
  • Example: Regression

Why do we care?

  • We can build complex models that are hard to translate into existing ML structures
  • This lets us use less data and training time, by integrating our expert knowledge!
  • Lots of existing research, libraries and languages for building distributions and estimating the output

How do you use it?

  • Church LISP-y, made for cognitive science, designed to be easy to model "human" cognition, VERY alpha-state
  • PyMC3 Library for python, handles DAGs easily and efficiently
  • WebPPL Subset of javascript, probably the best for general usage

Neural Networks and Computational Graphs

We can view these techniques as computational graphs

Traditional neural networks

  • Each layer has a weight matrix $W$ which scales and sums the outputs of the previous layer
  • In probabilistic programming terms, these $W$s are the part we optimize
  • Things we don't change during training are called hyperparameters

Each neuron has a non-linear response to the weighted sum

How does our neural network adapt to this problem?

Can our neural network deal with this?

How could we make it work?

Deep learning

Just has a lot of big layers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Convolutional Neural Networks

During training, we tweak convolutional kernels that capture key features of our 2-D data

Long Short Term Memory

Each neuron has a feedback loop, so it can remember previous examples

By BiObserver - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,


How do we examine the hidden layer?

We can watch it learn :)

My Plan

Have lots of descriptions of "good" design software, and train the system to produce text with similar product features

Treat design principles as conditional probabilities over sets of features, and hope the latent space picks up on that

How do you use this stuff?

Start by thinking about it probabilistically

What is your $X$? What are your $\theta$s?

  • What features are you trying to predict from new observations?
  • Do you have a source for data with the "correct" predictions already?

Should you use probabilistic programming?

Does your statistical model have a lot of known structure/dependence?

  • If it has feedback between variables, use WebPPL
  • If it doesn't, use PyMC3

Consider the problem geometrically

  • How many dimensions are in the input and output?
  • How do you turn your data into vectors?
  • How dense does your data need to be?

Use Tensorflow

Fast, lots of examples, backed by Google

  • If you have dense, 2D data, use a CNN
  • If you have sequential data, use an LSTM
  • If you want to discover latent variables or generate new examples, use a GAN or Autoencoder
  1. Get a lot of data
  2. Convert it to a vector
  3. Visually inspect some plots of the data to look for patterns or problems
  4. Train your ML system on 80% of the data
  5. Check its performance on the other 20% of the data
  6. Use t-SNE to look at clusters in the output. Do they seem sensible?
  7. If not, play with the hyperparameters
